Highlighting the surface quality
of microelectronics tracks
and contacts on a PCB
Inspection of microelectronics tracks and contacts on a PCB
Using L.E.S.S. light, the user benefits from uniform white light (5400°K) illumination.

Image of a PCB
lit by an 80 LED ringlight
This was taken with an entry-level LED ring at a working distance of 100 mm. Scratches, dust and other surface defects are not observable as the different areas are not evenly illuminated. The surface conditions are undetectable thus difficult to inspect.
Image of a PCB lit
by L.E.S.S. Darkfield (DF-5400)
This was taken with a L.E.S.S. Darkfield ringlight (DF-5400), adjusted to a working distance of about 10 mm above the semi-conductor. The uniformity and directionality of the light striking the sample provide excellent contrast on the surface structure.
Coating defects are immediately observable. The uniformity of the illumination results in sharp, well-defined images leading to a faster and more accurate, and reliable inspection of the sample.
Using standard LED illuminations to inspect PCB does not allow for optimal inspection of the surface quality and more specifically of electric tracks and contacts.
Our solution
Using L.E.S.S. light, the user benefits from uniform white light (5400°K) illumination.
The light of the L.E.S.S. darkfield illumination hit the sample from the side with optimum intensity and no heat dissipation offering high contrast image.
Using standard LED illuminations to inspect PCB does not allow for optimal inspection of the surface quality and more specifically of electric tracks and contacts.
Our solution
Using L.E.S.S. light, the user benefits from uniform white light (5400 K) illumination.
The light of the L.E.S.S. darkfield illumination hit the sample from the side with optimum intensity and no heat dissipation offering high contrast image.